- v 1 to 6 The people of Malta take care of them. They think that Paul is a god when he feels no harm after a viper bite
- v 7 to 10 After Paul heals the father of the chief man of the island, he heals many others' diseases
- v 11 to 15 After three months, they leave on another ship that has spent the winter there and sail towards Rome. On the way, Paul is able to see believers at Puteoli and stay with them for seven days. Believers come from Rome to meet Paul at The Market of Appius and The Three Taverns
- v 16 to 31 Paul arrives in Rome where he is allowed to stay by himself with a soldier. He calls the local Jews together and explains why he appealed to Caesar. The Jews agree a day when they can hear what Paul has to say. For two years, while under house arrest, he preaches some first-century beliefs to all who will listen